Melon soaker

05 November 2008

I hate finishing, can you tell?

Here's what my hook has been up to lately, you can see a trend. I hate the last little detail work to finish pieces.
  • A cute child hat. Girly, but not pink. Still have to put the tassels on though...
  • A pair of gloves for my friend, still need to finish 7 fingers...
  • A Christmas hat/longies set, need a pompom on the hat...
  • Another pair of fingerless gloves, just have to weave the yarn ends in.
Oh, and my husband is untangling my bison yarn, because I don't have the patience to do it, and he doesn't want to hear me curse and swear and I am too grumpy after, so he does most of it :-)))

Also coming: more soakers in Christmas colors, chunky alpaca fingerless gloves (to die for), and hand-dyed gloves as well as one more and hand-dyed BFL soaker, but I am not quite ready for the hand-dyeing yet, because I don't think I can take the smell of Kool-Aid without vomiting for a couple more weeks.



Tu parles d'une cachottière, je viens juste de découvrir que tu avais un blogue. Je pas à l'instant même à la lecture de tes écris.

Petit Mouton on Etsy said...

J'ai commencé tout récemment à papotter en anglais et en français, plusieurs choses en lien avec mes travaux d'aiguilles et un peu toute mêlé en général, mais rien comme ta plume ma chère!